The character is meant to be foolish, naïve and, at times, even repulsive. As his experiences shape his life, he must learn to forgive himself for his own transgressions by recognizing the consequences and depth of his actions. He must learn that responsibility is the acceptance of consequence for an action. Blame is the attempt to displace that responsibility. Thus, he sees the contradictory nature between blame and responsibility.
The character is meant to be foolish, naïve and, at times, even repulsive. As his experiences shape his life, he must learn to forgive himself for his own transgressions by recognizing the consequences and depth of his actions. He must learn that responsibility is the acceptance of consequence for an action. Blame is the attempt to displace that responsibility. Thus, he sees the contradictory nature between blame and responsibility.
© 2024. All rights reserved. Victor Bella Azenzik.
© 2024. All rights reserved. Victor Bella Azenzik.